Cambridge International School and Cambridge Early Years Centre

Why Adequate Sleep Is Important For Students

Why Adequate Sleep Is Important For Students

Life of a student is riddled with assignments, examinations, classes, tuition, extracurricular activities, homework, etc. In the midst of it all, it might seem like there aren’t enough hours in a day to complete everything and still have time to relax with friends and family. 

The mounting due dates can make any student wonder how they can find more time, which inadvertently prompts them to satisfy the only remaining time they have – i.e., the time to sleep. Sacrificing sleep might seem like the only way to manage their student life, but the repercussions of not getting enough sleep during night is manifold. 

Let us try to examine why adequate sleep is important for students in this article.

Importance of Sleep for Students

Irrespective of all the above factors, the advantages of getting enough sleep for students are abundant. 

  • Students who get regular hours of sleep every night are more likely to perform better academically.
  • Getting enough sleep ensures that you are well rested during the day and does not suffer from lethargy and sleepiness.
  • Students are also more productive, focused, attentive to detail and can concentrate better in class.
  • You grasp concepts better when you study new information and sleep on it. In other words, sleep promotes memory strengthening and consolidation.
  • Students who prioritize sleep are less likely to be affected by stress.

Sleep is not just resting time for the body. It is the only time the mind gets to rest and relax while allowing the body to repair and rejuvenate itself. Without enough sleep, your mind and body will not be able to function properly throughout the day and you will feel lethargic and tired. This makes it difficult for you as a student to be present in class attentively and stay active during the day. 

Lack of adequate sleep also affects your cognitive and behavioral functions, dysregulates emotions and heightens levels of stress; all of which are detrimental to the academic performance and social life of any student.

A surprising side effect of sleep deprivation is that it causes drowsiness and cognitive impairment in the same level as drinking alcohol does. Failing to get enough hours of sleep every night also makes students susceptible to mood changes, irritability, short temper, difficulty concentrating and remembering and brain fog, to name a few.

What Factors Contribute to Not Getting Enough Sleep

The inability to fall asleep or the factors that prevent students from catching up on sleep can be many:

  • Eating  large meals right before bedtime.
  • Excess use of caffeine at night.
  • Stress of performing well.
  • Excess amount of screen time (tablets, computer, mobile phones, etc.) at night. 
  • Sleep disorders & use of certain medications.
  • Strenuous exercise before bedtime.

Also read, Healthy meal plan for kids

Tips for Getting More Sleep in Students

Now that we have established how important sleep is for students, let us explore a few tips on how to improve sleep among students.

  • Make sleep a priority. Choose to cut short other socio-cultural commitments that disrupt your sleep schedule.
  • Establish healthy sleeping habits and sleep hygiene.
  • Have fixed sleep schedules – times for sleeping and waking up.
  • Implement a winding down routine prior to your sleep time, including but not limited to reading, warm bath, listening to calming music, etc.
  • Keep a sleep diary and record your sleep activity
  • Expose yourself to bright and natural light in the morning to help you wake up properly
  • Exercise regularly for managing stress and for a healthy body.
  • Ensure your bedroom is cool and dark.

All these are effective ways to ensure you get your daily dose of good quality sleep every night. Being a student, it is vital that you understand the importance of sleep and take proactive steps to ensure you don’t miss out on your sleep. Make sure to follow a proper time management and take these tips to heart to get uninterrupted and regular sleeping hours which can in turn make you a better student. 

We at TIST have always been at the forefront of ensuring student’s wellbeing and health. If you need more tips and guides that help you follow a structured and disciplined life as a student, make sure you checkout our blogs.

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